Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Constipation refers to an abnormal infrequency or irregularity of defecation, abnormal hardening of stool that makes their passage difficult and sometimes painful, decrease in stool volume, or prolonged retention of stool in the rectum. Constipation develops when people do not take the time to defecate or as the result of dietary habits (low consumption of fiber and inadequate fluid intake), lack of regular exercise, and stress-filled life. Chronic use of laxatives contributes to this problem, particularly in elderly people.
Sign and symptoms of constipation are abdominal distention, pain, decrease appetite, headache, fatigue, indigestion, sensation of incomplete emptying, straining at stool.
Complication such as hypertension, hemorrhoids, etc.
Management includes increase fluid intake, fiber in diet, and exercise to strengthen abdominal muscles. Beside this explaining the person about the physiology of defecation, emphasis needing the urge to defecate. Suggest establishing a bowel routine (eg. after breakfast or early morning), encouraging patient confined to bed to perform range of motion exercise, turn frequently from side to side and lie prone (if not contraindicated) for 30 minutes every 4 hours.

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